Soldier Mike is the owner of Soldier Mike's in Lafayette, IN. If you would like for him to be your artist, make sure to call ahead and ensure he will be there.
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Family and Polynesian skin pen action, thanks for looking. #polynesiantattoo #family #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #polynesiantribal #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo
Bee Present 🎁 fun little bee tattoo!!! Thanks for looking. #beepresent #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #beetattoo #thankyou
Another busy day here today! I honestly don’t know if I’ll get used to seeing the building full of people again after a year of appointments only lol Happy New Tattoo Day!!
First session on this sleeve done by Mike. She sat like a champ and it’s coming along beautifully 😍
Hey all! With the state mask mandate being lifted today, we just wanted to make everyone aware of what our policy is going to be moving forward.
We’ve decided that we will continue to require masks for anyone entering the building. If you have a health condition/moral objection/any other reason for not wearing a mask, we ask that you reschedule your appointment for later in the year.
We know that you all have plenty of options for your tattoo artists and we appreciate everyone that we’ve had the opportunity to work with over the last 3+ years. We made this decision as a whole in the best interests of ourselves and our business. If any one of us were to contract covid, the entire business would have to close since we are all family. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Here’s something Mike got done today at the Tennessee shop.
We’re going to be having some events coming up in the next few months. Our Still Not Asking For It event will be back again! We’re still partnered with the YWCA:DVIPP and we’re so excited to be able to hold it again! We’re also going to be having a mini-event for you Supernatural fans in early June! We’ll have more information about these events as we iron out the details. Thank you all for your support!
Got to do this cool mermaid last night, session one on this one, adding water next time, can’t wait!!! @industryinks for the inks @fkirons for the machine, @happygurutattoocare for the aftercare @operationtattooingfreedom for the support!!! Thank you all!!! #yournewfavoriteink #fkironsflux #happygurutattoocare #operationtattooingfreedom #mermaid #sparkly #thankyou
Another busy day here at Chateau Tattoo with Matt, Mike, Terrell, and Vince 🤗
Mike will be at Needle-Brush Studio with Matt for a few days in April. I *think* he’s already booked for those days, but if you’d like to see him and still get some ink, Matt is an amazeball artist I’d recommend booking with if you’re in the ‘paign. If you don’t already, give him a follow @needlebrush_13 for more of his great work!
Here’s one Mike did for a long-time client. Thank you so much Rachael! It’s always a blast when you’re in ☺️ Thanks everyone for all of your support!
And it’s a wrap for another great day with the best clients around! Thank you so much to everyone for keeping my guys so busy they *almost* manage to stay out of trouble 😂 Your support and patience as I get through all the messages and phone calls makes a world of difference, so thank you!! Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend!
Mike got another session in on this Phoenix WIP. Couple more sessions to go and I can’t wait to see it when it’s done!
He’s currently booking June, so get me your reference photos to get on his schedule 🙂
Sometimes you just need to take a day to get rid of the trash. Thank you all for *bearing* with us lol See you all tomorrow! #springcleaning #laundrywontdoitself #NowHeCantComplainAboutNoDaysOff #workfromhome #sorryHOA #notreally
Absolutely love this one done by Mike! He’s currently booking end of May/June; Vince and Terrell are booking April, so get me those references and I’ll schedule you in with one of our talented and honest artists 😊
This one just hits different, mostly right in the feels, much respect to you Trooper Brown!!! Thank you, yet again for this opportunity!!! @happygurutattoocare @industryinks @Saniderm @operationtattooingfreedom thank you all.
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #saniderm #operationtattooingfreedom #thankyou #indianatattooer #lafayetteindiana #redwhiteandblue #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #thankyouforthesupport
Thank you @saniderm for the care package!!! Thank you @operationtattooingfreedom for the the amazing help and letting me to be part of a great team!!! #saniderm #sanidermaftercare #operationtattooingfreedom #vetshelpingvets #igy6 #vetsreferringvets #helpingothershelpsmetoo #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatido #weareinthistogether #thankyouforthesupport
Some tattoos just need a little livening up! Here’s one Mike did today on a great client. He’s currently booking end of April/May, so if you have any tattoos that need a little love, or if you want to schedule for a new piece, send us a message and we’ll get you scheduled 🙂
Today’s travel day for Mike, so I’ll share his pictures/songs he’s listening to throughout the day as much as I can. If you have any suggestions, fun car games, etc. comment them and I’ll pass them on to him as he checks in. As always, Terrell and Vince are both in today with some availability so let’s make today a Happy New Tattoo Day!
I’m trying to remind myself to post more, so here’s one that Mike did yesterday. I absolutely love this! Send me your references and I’ll get you scheduled for your very own Soldier Mike piece 😊
Cover up Mike did during his time at Broken Lantern Tattoo Studio He’s there for a couple more days, so if you’re in the Charleston area, hit him up 😊 He does still have a couple spots available in April, so send us your references and I’ll get you scheduled!
Living Dead Doll Resurrection Maggot action tonight done by Mike tonight at the Lafayette location 😍😍 Mike is currently booking April/May, so send me a message with your references and I’ll be happy to get you scheduled!
Dragon for the birthday girl this morning done by Mike. He’s currently booking April/May, so send us your reference photos and get yourself a new piece to show off in time for summer!
Great start to this double cover up by Matt from Needle-Brush Studio
Can’t wait to see the finished product! Thanks for coming to visit 🙂
Thank you @dynamiccolor for the care package!!! Thank you @operationtattooingfreedom for letting me be part of the team!!! Thank you all, I will continue to do y best as always!!!
🚨 Announcement time! 🚨
We have always prided ourselves on being a quality shop with a welcoming atmosphere. It is our goal to have trustworthy artists who share our expectations for professionalism, honesty, and hard work.
With that being said, we are super excited to be able to announce the arrival of Mad Rob into the shop! He’s based out of Texas and has been tattooing since 2003. He’ll start taking appointments and walk-ins next Monday, provided Mother Nature doesn’t delay his flight North. There’s currently no firm end date on how long he’ll be up here this go-around, so get in while you can!
Roads are closed and most of us are snowed in so another snow day it is! Everyone stay warm and try to stay home as much as possible. Be safe if you need to go out. Hopefully we’ll see your faces tomorrow!
The shop will be closed today. Everyone stay safe and warm!
Finished piece from last night. Thanks for looking!
Patience living up to her name today! Between moving stations and Fulk doing his contractor thing, we got to spend more time with her than she probably wanted lol I’ll be posting progress pictures of the shop in the next couple days so you can see what we’ve been getting up to. We’ll also be having a visitor later this week, but more of that later 😊 Everyone stay warm and safe out there!
Finished octopus done by Mike. He’s currently booking end of March/beginning of April, so send us a message with your references and let’s get something awesome scheduled 🙂
Hand drawn piece from Mike. Stay tuned for video of completed work 🙂
Here’s one done by Mike a couple weeks ago. His February is pretty much booked already and March is booking up fast. Shoot me a message and we’ll get your spot reserved for your new spring piece 🙂
WIP Mike’s working on today of Joseph of Arimathea, the Patron Saint of Funeral Directors. Can’t wait to see the finished piece!
Most people call him Soldier Mike, but to Mika, he’s daddy, and when baby girl turns 16 and asks for her first tattoo, well Dad goes in on his day off to make his little girl smile. Happy birthday Miss Mika! Love you bunches!! 🎈🎉
We got our new signs in, drive by and check them out!!! @enlightened.obsessions thank you so much for all the signage I have gotten from you!!!
**ATTENTION** If you see this guy out and about today, make sure you tell him Happy Birthday! Don’t forget the birthday spankings 😊
St. Christopher for this service Member to keep him safe on his travels!!! @industryinks @happygurutattoocare @axysrotary @operationtattooingfreedom
#stchristopher #indianatattooartist #indianatattoo #blackandgreytattoo #yournewfavoriteink #travelingartist #safetravels
Hand drawn piece Mike did at the Clarksville location. Simba was already there, not done by Mike. I’ll add before pic in the comments.
Mike’s January schedule is mostly full, but there are still some openings for tattoos and piercings. Send me a message to schedule an appointment for the Lafayette location 🙂
Traditional rose for a visiting service member. It was his first tattoo and he sat like a champ! Good luck and stay safe in all your future travels!!
I have really been slacking on my social media posting, who wants to take over lol @happygurutattoocare
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #axysrotary #vahalla #thankyouall #moretocome😉
Today is an official day to thank the people who sacrificed so much for the ones they love and millions more that they’ll never meet. Sacrifices like asking a doctor to induce your daughter’s birth a week early so you can meet her before you deploy or leave for training. Then celebrating her next 3 birthdays through pictures or email because you’re on the other side of the world. This is so common with our service members; weddings, birth’s, first day of kindergarten, graduations. We see the videos of emotional reunions at games or school and we get teary eyed and feel happy for them, as we should. But there’s a deeper meaning behind the tears. It’s the complete and utter relief of having your spouse/parent/sibling physically present for another event when you had already accepted that you would have to share that day via phone or video chat. So thank you, to every veteran, but especially to my two favorites. Michael and my baby brother Richard. I love you both ♥️
Everyone take a moment out of your scrolling to wish Momma Pat a Happy 21st birthday!! Happy Birthday Momma!!!
*Please read* Mike’s books are now open! If you were on his waitlist, you should have been messaged about scheduling already so thank you for your patience!! There are some spots in November that are still open, but most scheduling will be for December. Beginning in December, Mike will be moving to Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s off.
Nate, Sunday, and Vince are still booking for all of November, so send us those references so we can get your appointment scheduled!
Roses and compass action, this was a fun piece and a great dude. Thank you so much for the trust!!! @happygurutattoocare @industryinks @operationtattooingfreedom @soldiermikestattoos #happygurutattoocare #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #rosetattoo #compasstattoo #lovewhatido #dowhatilove #dowhatyoulove #thankyou
Thank you all for your donations and those who are continue to make the world a better place, I try and do my part as much as possible!!! @ywca_lafayette #dvippoflafayette @happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #happygurutattoocare #wecanchangetheworld #wecandobetter #wecandothis #thankyouall #iloveyouall #quarantinesucks #imissyouall #thankyouforthesupport
Before and After swipe to see, another free cover up/fix up, just needed a little love!!! Thank you for looking and thank you for your support!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #erasinghate #coveruptattoo #nomorehate #loveoneanother #unity #standtogether
Making progress on this sleeve, more to come!!! Thank you!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #operationtattooingfreedom #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink
Another cover up for new beginnings, I haven’t been keeping up with my post on Instagram or anywhere for that matter, looks like it might time to hire someone again to do that lol 😂 @happygurutattoocare @operationtattooingfreedom @soldiermikestattoos @industryinks #happygurutattoocare #operationtattooingfreedom #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink
Allow us to introduce our new mascot, Rosco! He enjoys long walks in the park and has a weakness for peanuts. Feel free to give him a wave if you see him but don’t expect a wave back, he’s a little on the shy side ☺️
Always with my travel hoodie @loadedtransportation great people, great business, great hoodies!!! You can tell a lot about a business by their merchandise and these hoodies are top quality, just like them!!! I will be back to lafayette soon everyone!!! Thank you all!!!
#loadedtransportation #forallyourtransportationneeds #bookthemtoday #thankyouforyoursupport #thankyou
This is how not to get an appt for a cover up, I work 7 days a week, I do cover ups on hate and gang related tattoos out of the kindness of my heart and for people to better themselves, I use my time, my supplies, my shop, my heart, I pass no judgement and I do the best I can to get everyone in. Instead of doing one a week or so, I been doing as many as I can, squeezing them in where ever possible, on my day off, if I can take it, I schedule them in, even with supplies on the rise, I still been doing them, for free. I have gotten a ton of backlash, yet I’m still doing them, it’s my shop, my supplies, my time, and yes there is a wait list, please be patience and kind, if you come to me with this type of attitude, I will not stand for it, don’t talk to the people at my shop disrespectfully, paying or not, you will never be allowed in my shop. Thank you all for your support and patience.
-Soldier Mike
Little St. Jude for you!!! Thanks for looking!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruskincare #happyguruduality #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #ilovewhatido #stjudetattoo #moretocome #thankyou
Cover up session 1, more to come!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #coverup #moretocome #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatido #thankyou
Little before and after cover up swipe to see!!! Whispers of a tiger, More to come on this one!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #happygurutattoo #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #tigerking #tigerwhisperer #coveruptattoo #whitetiger #thankyou #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatido #dowhatyoulove #newbeginnings #moretocome #sessionone
For his grandfather, sat like a champ!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruskincare #happyguruduality #happygurutattoo #yournewfavoriteink #industryinks #operationtattooingfreedom #lovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #thankyou
Added dog tags on top of the flag he already had and added stitches to the flag, thanks for looking!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #dogtags #opaquegreytattoo #thanksforyoursupport #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatido #dowhatyoulove
Little stars and bars coverup swipe to see more!!! Also more to come!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #happygurutattoo #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #erasinghate #loveoneanother #careforoneanother #noroomforracism #noroomfornegativity #noroomforhate #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatido #coveruptattoo #peaceandcommunication #conversate #dontonlytalkaboutitbeaboutit
Little stitch action, little galaxy action, thanks for looking!!!
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #happygurutattoo #yournewfavoriteink
#thankyou #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo
Little bit of of the sleeve process I have been working on, thanks for the support. @happygurutattoocare
#clarksvilletn #clarksvilletennessee #clarksvilletattooartist #clarksvilletattooshop #stgeorgeandthedragon #coveruptattoo #happygurutattoocare #happyguruduality #happyguruskincare #lovewhatido #dowhatilove #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #yournewfavoriteink #industryinks #operationtattooingfreedom #thankyouforyoursupport
Covered up another one, I’m slowly chipping away at these, I’m doing my best to get them covered and help these people move forward in life, hoping they really have changed for the better, this world doesn’t need hate, it need love and respect for one another, thank you all for your support.
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #axysrotary #axysvalhalla #electrumstencilproducts #loadedtransportation #erasinghate #hateishate #lesshatemorelove #weareinthistogether #supportoneanother #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatido #spreadlovenothate #respectall #thankyouforyoursupport #coveruptattoo #lovelife #bekind
In the words of my client, “what I am going through can’t compare to what he went through. I can go through hell and still be a light.” Super simple but elegant and tasteful with a huge meaning behind it.
#happygurutattoocare #happyguruskincare
#yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #axysrotary #vahallatattoopen #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #takeprideinwhatyoudo #focusonthepositive #livetodobetter #livetobebetter #moveforward #thankyou
Session one down on this one!!! Lots more to come, this man and and I had a great conversation about changing for the better, the world, and children growing up not to hate, he wouldn’t let me do it for free like I usually do, he insisted that he pay up front and I helped him move forward in life one more step. Thank you and thank you for your good conversation. Move forward and help the world become a brighter place filled with love and respect.
#happygurutattoocare #loadedtransportation #yournewfavoriteink #spreadlovenothate #operationtattooingfreedom #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatido #erasinghate #moretocome #sessionone #hateishate #loveoneanother #thankyouforthesupport
Another coverup done, new beginnings and life lessons, I am a firm believer that people can change for the better and grow as better humans. I am glad I could help this lady move forward, I had a great conversation and and glad she is doing good things with her life.
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #lovenothate #noroomforracism #noroomforhate #togetherwearestronger #loveoneanother #peoplechangeforthebetter #lovewhatido #dowhatyoulove #erasinghate #thankyouforthesupport #changestartswithin
So not every tattoo needs covered, sometimes it just needs a little love. She still loved her tattoo but wanted it better, so a little love it what I gave it, thank you and come back anytime. Lots of laughs and good conversation. Thank you!!!
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #justalittlelove #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatido #moretocome
Here is a little before and after one session, cover ups can be tricky sometimes but we are chipping away at it. Thanks for looking. She did great!!!
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #electrumstencilproducts #operationtattooingfreedom #coveruptattoo #sessionone #moretocome #cantwait #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #thankyou
Scroll through the slides👉
Before during and after let me know what you all think!!! More of my free cover up and make your life better projects!!! Session one more to come...
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #lovenothate #changeyourlife #loveeveryone #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #thankyou
Fun little single line drawing!!! I love doing these, so much meaning in a simple tattoo.
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #electrumstencilproducts #operationtattooingfreedom #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #thankyouall #moretocome
Love my opals, Got a lovely pink teardrop opal hugged by titanium on this daith. @isneedles @neilmedpiercingaftercare #isneedles #neilmedpiercingaftercare #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #thankyou #moretocome
Sweet little opal flower wrapped in titanium @isneedles @neilmedpiercingaftercare #isneedles #neilmedpiercingaftercare #conch #opalsarelife #lovewhatido #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #thankyou #alltheprettythings #moretocome
One more session on this one and I will be done with it until the lower half gets started. Can’t wait!!! I think it’s coming right along!!!
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #ilovewhatido #thankyouforyoursupport #thankyoumama
First session on this Tim Burton piece, she did great!!! More to come!!! @happygurutattoocare
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #needlebrushstudio #thankyou #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove
Got to add more flowers to this young lady, she did great!!! @happygurutattoocare
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #needlebrushstudio #thankyou #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove
First session done on this cover up, more to come.
#happygurutattoocare #yournewfavoriteink #industryinks #electrumstencilproducts #operationtattooingfreedom #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #thankyou
Deeply held beliefs are the hardest to change. It takes a major life change, along with the love and acceptance of a strong support system to change something that influenced your day to day life. This client came to me because he’d had such a change in his life. We had a really great conversation and I feel lucky to be part of his new chapter.
Love is love and there is no room for hate in today’s society. We do these types of coverups free of charge, so if you have any you’d like covered up, message us and we’ll be more than happy to get you set up with something you’re proud of.
#industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #happygurutattoocare #endhate #loveoneanother #lovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #thanksforthesupport #loveislove #bethechange #peoplechange #newbeginnings
Fun little walk in, artwork by my client’s friend. Thank you for coming in!!! @happygurutattoocare
Nice little 3/8th titanium surface bar for this young lady, with some light purple opal flowers!!! @neilmedpiercingaftercare
Little lace and rose action
#happygurutattoocare #industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #rosesandlace #forearmtattoo #splashofcolor #tattooed #lovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoudo #doyourbest #thankyouforyoursupport
Fun little death eater tattoo for you!!! @industryinks
#industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #electrumstencilproducts #happygurutattoocare #operationtattooingfreedom #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatido #liveyourlife #stayhumblebekind #thankyouforyoursupport
What’s up everyone!!! Here is a little before and after shot on this cover up!!! @industryinks @happygurutattoocare @operationtattooingfreedom
@soldiermikestattoos @tattoosbysoldiermike
#industryinks #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #electrumstencilproducts #fuckjohn #damnitjohn #thiscoverupwillcoverit #lovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #liveyourlife #imatpeace
Session one, can’t wait to do the next one!!! @industryinks
#yournewfavoriteink #industryinks #happygurutattoocare #operationtattooingfreedom #liontattoo #tigertattoo #polynesiantattoo #moretocome #lovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #sessionone #thankyou
@loadedtransportation my parents love the sweatshirts!!! Thank you so much!!! Hope you all are staying safe at home and enjoying the family time!!! #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supporteachother #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatido #lovewhatwedo #dowhatyoulove #loadedtransportation #youdrinktheydrive #allthetrips #makeareservation
Anyone looking for a Harley or two 1997 Fatboy under 19,000 miles and a 1995 Road King under 39,000 miles serious offers and inquiries taken DM me for more photos or info
Little knee banger heart rose action, will continue to post while we are shut down. Hope everyone stays safe and will see you soon.
@tattoosbysoldiermike #happygurutattoocare #operationtattooingfreedom #yournewfavoriteink #electrumstencilproducts #thankyou #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatido
#Repost @wench_tattoos with @get_repost
I now have prints of my Joker and Headdress paintings in stock- All proceeds will be donated to local food banks so please help me spread the word!! Message me for payment instructions and thank you all for your help ♥️♥️ ..... #printsforsale #tattooprints #artforsale #foodbanks #brightonco #nomadtattoo #watercolorartist #donation
Little tribute piece,let me know what you think!!!
#happygurutattoocare #yournewfavoriteink #industryinks #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #enjoylife #vetshelpingvets #callifyouneedanything #alwayswelcome #weallstrugglesometimes #hereifyouneedme
Cool little piece I got to do on my best buddy’s daughter!!! Love the way the whip shading looks, come one come all!!!
#yournewfavoriteink #industryinks #whipshading #splashofcolor #happygurutattoocare #duality #allamericantattooconvention #electrumstencilproducts #operationtattooingfreedom #thankyouforyoursupport #veteranshelpingveterans #veteransreferringveterans #thankyou
Another day closer!!! @allamericantattooconvention here we come!!!
@jgr_tattoo @white.fuego.tattoos @soldiermikestattoos
#happygurutattoocare #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #allamericantattooconvention #usaa #veteranshelpingveterans #veteransreferringveterans #moretocome #thanksforthesupport #fayettevillenc #comingsoon #skull #scorpion #traditional
Another day closer!!! @allamericantattooconvention here we come!!!
@jgr_tattoo @white.fuego.tattoos @soldiermikestattoos
#happygurutattoocare #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #allamericantattooconvention #usaa #veteranshelpingveterans #veteransreferringveterans #moretocome #thanksforthesupport #fayettevillenc #comingsoon #flowers #roses #flowertattoo
Count down begins!!! @allamericantattooconvention here we come!!!
@jgr_tattoo @white.fuego.tattoos @soldiermikestattoos
#happygurutattoocare #yournewfavoriteink #operationtattooingfreedom #allamericantattooconvention #usaa #veteranshelpingveterans #veteransreferringveterans #splashofcolor #dragonballztattoo #moretocome #thanksforthesupport #fayettevillenc #comingsoon
Almost time for the @allamericantattooconvention come one , come all!!! @happygurutattoocare
@jgr_tattoo @white.fuego.tattoos @soldiermikestattoos @tattoosbysoldiermike
@allamericantattooconvention is coming up pretty quick!!! Can’t wait for the show!!! @happygurutattoocare
@jgr_tattoo @white.fuego.tattoos @clipperchrisjones @veteransreferringveterans @usaa @allamericantattooconvention #fayettevillenc #northcarolina #theallamericantattooconvention #moretocome #comeonecomeall #thankyou
@lubbocktattooexpo we are here ready to go!!! @tattoosbysoldiermike @jgr_tattoo @white.fuego.tattoos @dave_noe_ @happygurutattoocare @enlightened.obsessions
In progress military memorial sleeve/ rework!!! more to come!!! @happygurutattoocare @industryinks @operationtattooingfreedom @electrumstencilproducts @axysrotary @lubbocktattooexpo #yournewfavoriteink #happygurutattoocare #operationtattooingfreedom #vahalla #axysvahalla #electrumstencilproducts #militarytattoo #poppiestattoo #skulltattoo #flagtattoo #sleevetattoo #industryinks #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatido #workhard #lifeisbeautiful #thankyouforthesupport
Pretty good start on this half sleeve more to come with a blast of color from @industryinks @happygurutattoocare @operationtattooingfreedom @electrumstencilproducts @soldiermikestattoos #hannyamasktattoo #hannyatattoo #hannyadragontattoo #dragontattoo #japanesetattoo #girlswithtattoos #moretocome #happygurutattoocare #yournewfavoriteink #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove
Lubbock is closing in and I can’t wait!!! @lubbocktattooexpo @happygurutattoocare @notjosegr @jgr_tattoo @white.fuego.tattoos @blackgoldtattooexpo #lubbocktattooexpo2020 #happygurutattoocare #comeonecomeall #lovewhatido #dowhatilove #indianatattooers #texasherewecome
@lubbocktattooexpo coming soon !!! Can’t wait. @happygurutattoocare @industryinks @soldiermikestattoo @operationtattooingfreedom @tattoosbysoldiermike @white.fuego.tattoos @jgr_tattoo lets do this!!! Everyone at the shop going on this trip, oh shit!!! #indianatattooartist #lafayetteindiana #travelingartist #roadtrippin #makethatart #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatido #berad #makeart #workharder #thanksforyoursupport #operationtattooingfreedom
Little first session on this cover up, more to come!!! @happygurutattoocare @industryinks @operationtattooingfreedom @soldiermikestattoo @tattoosbysoldiermike #happygurutattoocare #industryinks #dipnrip #operationtattooingfreedom #coveruptattoo #sessionone #moretocome #groundzeroaudio #groundzero #skullandheadphones #lafayettetattooartist #indianatattooartist #thankyou
Sandworms for days!!! More to come on this little freehand action!!! @lubbocktattooexpo @happygurutattoocare @tattoosbysoldiermike @soldiermikestattoo @operationtattooingfreedom @industryinks @axysrotary #beetlejuicebeetlejuicebeetlejuice #sandworms #moretocome #industryinks #axysrotary #happygurutattoocare #cantwait #roadtrippin #travelingartist #lafayetteindiana #indianatattooartist #thankyou
Still think this is awesome!!! Funny as hell but awesome... The Soldier Mike Mobile, originally built for the 2012 SEMA show for @enemytofashion I picked it up at a car lot in no where Kentucky and just had to have it, it’s just right and it’s in my colors and theme, I truly dig what they did, some laugh, some giggle, some shake their heads, others, well don’t care, meh. I enjoy it and it is my little toy for the shop, advertisement and gas saver!!! @tattoosbysoldiermike @operationtattooingfreedom @soldiermikestattoo @happygurutattoocare #vroomvroom #skirtskirt #chevyspark #sparkitup #sparkupyourlife #ancientastimemodernastomorrow #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatido #dipnrip #tattoolife #travelingartist #veterantattooartist #operationtattooingfreedom #letsgetit #liveyourlife #tomorrowisntpromised #thankyouforyoursupport